If You Can’t Fit it All in One Bag then You’ve Packed Too Much

If you do any level of traveling lately, then you are probably aware that the travel fees for checking your bag at an airport have gone through the roof. In fact, some of the fees can rival the price of the airline ticket itself. So, does that mean that when it comes time to travel your only options are to wear the same outfit over and over and hope that no one notices or pay an astronomical fee in order to be fashionable?
If you are primed and ready for the summer travel season, then the good news is that you no longer have to make a choice. If you pack correctly and efficiently you can travel in style without breaking the bank.

This travel season, instead of making a choice between fees and fashion practice your packing skills and get the best of both worlds, when it comes to savings and fashion. The first step in the prime packing adventure starts with the perfect foundation, otherwise known as the perfect suitcase. Your suitcase will be the key to your overall success, which means that your suitcase is not a place where you can cut corners. Look for one that will be roomy enough to meet your needs, durable enough to ensure that you get the best value for your money, and unique enough that you can spot it at an airport. Also, look for luggage that has plenty of compartments to keep your items organized once you choose them.

Then, create a list of the must have pieces that you will need on your journey. Concentrate on classic pieces that are easily layered and create multiple outfits from. Choose non-wrinkle options that will fold easily and keep their shape when packed tightly. Next, look for big bold accessories that can transform those classic pieces. Once you have all your pieces chosen, lay them out on your bed and look for items that can do double duty. For example, do you have a tunic style top that can serve as both a shirt and a swimsuit coverup? Once you have eliminated any duplicate pieces, you are ready to tackle the mechanics of turning your fashion vision into a packing sensation.

The mechanics of packing is all about getting as many items as possible into the smallest space possible. Start with your largest pieces like jeans and blazers that take up a lot of space and will not roll easily. Those items should be folded into squares as tightly as possible and placed in the bottom of your suitcase. Then, take all of your undergarments and t-shirts and then roll them rather than fold them to save space. Next, add your shoes. Don’t forget to utilize the space inside your shoes to get the maximum amount of goodies in your luggage. Shoes are great for storing socks, jewelry, and small toiletries or medicine bottles that may take up space in a bathroom bag. Finally, because the airport will weigh your bag and charge you a fee for an overweight bag, always wear your heaviest items including shoes to the airport so that you save weight in the bag that will actually be weighed. Remember that one pair of jeans can weigh up to one pound so every item that you can eliminate will make a big impact on the weight of your luggage.

This season, there is no need to make a choice between style and budget. Get the best of both worlds by packing right and packing light. Bring along all the pieces that will turn heads and leave behind the ones that are merely taking up space along the way and pack wisely and carry a big purse.

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