Spring Hair Struggle is real! Here’s How to Deal with It

The spring season may bring flowers and showers, but the humidity can also bring frizzy and puffy hair! It might be a sign of endless bad hair days, but with the right care, you can prevent your curly, wavy hair from being out of control. As the weather changes, we need to change our hair care habits as well. There are different ways on how we can deal with it from hair conditioning to using flat iron, and ways on how we can prevent it in the first place. Read on for a better spring hair day.

Get a Trim – If you haven’t had one in a while, you might want to consider trimming your hair a bit. After winter, the ends of your hair might be dry and trimming them down can lessen the chance of frizzy hair making it look healthier.

Consider Your Conditioner – Conditioners are your BFF especially during springtime. It’s important to choose the right one for this season since some of them can cause your hair to feel heavy and greasy while giving you the I-haven’t-washed-my-hair-in-weeks look. Choose conditioners that contain Argan oil so it can easily be absorbed by your hair and will deeply hydrate it. Better yet, bundle it with a shampoo that gives you the same benefits.

Combat Chlorine – The heat and humidity may urge us to jump right into the pool. While that may sound fun, chlorine may build up on your hair causing it to dry and show off a damaged appearance. Protect your hair from chlorine and saltwater by applying a leave-in conditioner or thoroughly wet your hair first in shower before diving in.

Go for a Rainy Day Style – April showers will sure affect your fashion style. Instead of finding a way to win over it, why not use it as an excuse to wear a style fit for the season? Rain boots and umbrellas are great, but for your hair, go with a braided top-knot bun. Put your hair in a ponytail, braid, and then twist around itself and pin. Don’t try too hard, though. Tousled and textured look adds up to a stylish chic appearance.

Use Accessories – Don’t limit yourself this season. Accessories can always help you maintain your glamorous look. Pick one that suits your style and the season. Why not try putting some flowers? Spring makes flowers more colorful and gorgeous than it already is. The trick is to stay with accessories that are age-appropriate and you can do that by sticking with neutral colors.

Use the Right Tools – Taming your frizzy hair might require you to use some tools. Instead of letting humidity take over, you can use a blow dryer or straighteners to keep your hair strands smooth. Our Diamond Flat Iron is a good example since its temperature can be adjusted and can help seal the hair’s moisture, protecting it from humidity.

Don’t Forget the Brush – Brushing your hair, from roots to ends help your hair’s natural oil be distributed evenly. This should be a part of your daily hair care and use a boar bristle brush which is the best for that purpose. Natural hair oils are the best humidity fighters that you can trust to brush the frizz away and maintain your stunning look.

What about you, do you have a Spring Hair Struggle story or tip you want to tell us? Don’t hesitate to share it in the comments below!

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